Well, after arriving at the Coimbatore Airport 3 hours early, taking a 4 hour flight to Delhi, the driving 6 hours to Jaipur, we finally arrived! So far the only differences I have noticed in the north are that there are a lot more cows and they're walking wherever they want and that they use camels to haul stuff here. Our 3 star hotel is more than enough for us! There are hot showers! And it really is beautiful. We went to a "puppet show" last night...I wish there was a way to describe it besides just saying it was very odd. The puppeteer was wearing one of those head turban things but it kept falling down so he just threw it to the side. He was kind of funny, but after his 5 minute show he tried to get us to buy his $65 puppets! We weren't very down for that, and eventually found some smaller pretty ones for 2 for $3. We're getting our bargaining skills warmed up! Well today we ride elephants to Amer Fort...hopefully I'll get a picture to post! Xoxoxo

Hotel Motel Holiday Inn ;)