Yayyy Indian dance class was cancelled this morning! So Kelsey and I went over to the rooftop deck to enjoy the morning sunshine. She wrote in her journal and I did yoga and we felt so content and happy. Then I had 7 mosquito bites and she had none. Greaaaat. Unfortunately 3 students were ill today and couldn't attend clinical so the rest of us went on our own to the urban and rural public health facilities. They were very similar to centers in the US except that most of their family planning is with married couples, not teens or college students like in the US. We also visited free day care centers for children as well as a govt funded vocational training center for women without jobs who just sit at home to come learn how to sew and type and use computers all for free.
Since so many students fell ill we cancelled our big dinner with the PSG trustee and had the afternoon to rest!! Finally!! Much needed rest. After our 3 hour nap...oops...we decided to journey to the hostel to visit the students again. Unfortunately the gate which links us to a shortcut was closed and locked. So, Indian skirt and all I just decided we should climb over, so we did. Then we see a police guard come running towards us speaking very quickly in Tamil, not sounding very happy. After about 10 minutes of me on one side and Kelsey and Michelle on the other all trying to reason with this man and getting nowhere, I just said, "Michelle just jump over real quick!" So she did, then Kelsey did, and we were on our way. We waved at the guard and he just shooked his head and walked away...haha...our bad.
We had another fabulous time at the hostel and made sure to bring lots of candy. I brought my favorite friend, Breeva a pin from Yellowstone Gift Shop. I think she was a little confused but gracious still haha.

On the way back we rode in an auto rickshaw since it was dark out. Now that was quite the experience! It's a yellow 3 wheeled tiny vehicle used as a taxi.

Oh, and the already ridiculous bustling traffic in Coimbatore has doubled for the Annual Tamil Nadu Conference in town...greeeeat. Coming home was quite an adventure :) I took a video on my camera of us trying to turn right (remember the roads are opposite here) into oncoming traffic...it's unreal!! And only costing 50 rupees for the ride (about $1.25 US). Finally home safe after our fun-filled evening we ordered Dominoes Pizza!! Mmmmm. I'll sleep well tonight haha. A nice little break from the curry we'll eat all week.
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